Hall Staff

Sisy Chen, 2025

Sisy Chen

Resident Assistant

Hello! My name is Sisy Chen and I am from Chicago, IL studying Neuroscience with minors in Data Science and the Glynn Family Honors Program. On campus, I work as a tour guide and am involved in Student Government! During my free time, I love reading a good book, running, making kombucha, playing volleyball, getting crafty, and watching Survivor (crossing my fingers that I'll be cast eventually). I love Johnson Family Hall and am so excited to give back as an RA to foster a sense of inclusivity in our dorm. Feel free to stop by my room anytime if you want to talk or make a cup of tea! 



Chloe Boyea, 2025

Chloe Boyea

Resident Assistant

Hello Valks! My name is Chloe Boyea, and I am a double major in Neuroscience and Theology from Chateaugay, New York. On campus, I work at the University Writing Center and as a TA in the writing tutorial program. You can usually find me in Coleman-Morse doing some work, in my room working on some kind of art project or craft, or just hanging around the dorm! I was abroad in Dublin last fall, so if you want to chat about traveling abroad, the bogs of Ireland, or anything else, I always want to chat (and hear some of your stories)! My room will always be a great place to come by for some snacks, chats, crafts, or tea! I am so excited to be an RA, and I can’t wait to keep building great community here in JFAM! BVL!

Suzy Kannala, 2025

Suzy Kannala

Resident Assistant

Hi everyone! I'm Suzy Kannala, and I'm from the suburbs of Houston, TX. I'm studying accounting and economics and in the Business Honors Program. On campus, I'm involved with the Federal Reserve and Fiscal Challenge Club and the South Asian Student Association, and I work in the Accounting Department in Mendoza and Tax Division for ND. I love just walking around campus or grabbing a cup of tea. I'm really looking forward to being a part of the welcoming JFam community and helping build a supportive environment!

Hannah Blaskiewicz, 2025

Hannah Blaskiewicz

Resident Assistant

Hey Valks! My name is Hannah and I’m from Long Island, NY. I’m a double major in Accounting and History. I used to serve the ND Student Union as Student Union Treasurer— if you have any Student Union Qs feel free to throw them my way. Around campus I work for RecSports in Sports Programs and you can also catch me at meetings for the Gender Relations Center FIRE Starters program. Around the dorm I served as the Alumni Commissioner and I’ve stayed involved by playing interhall flag football and basketball— I highly recommend you join in on dorm activities whenever you can! Stop by when I’m in my room to share a cup of tea, discuss your favorite books, sports teams, historical events, music recommendations, the importance of ferries, or study abroad (I can't say enough great things about Berlin & Ireland)! We're going to have a great year! I'm so excited to meet you all!!  

Cate Porter, 2025

Cate Porter

Resident Assistant

Hello! My name is Cate Porter, and I am incredibly excited and honored to serve as an RA in JFam! I am from Livonia, Michigan, studying Accountancy and Economics. When I think about JFam, I am flooded with warm thoughts of the friends I’ve made (who I feel like I’ve known forever!), the amazing leadership opportunities it has afforded me, and the supportive hall staff who have made my experience in JFam something really special. I'm grateful to be part of one of the inaugural JFam cohorts, where we've collectively endeavored to establish traditions and foster a culture of support, encouragement and fun. On campus, I work as a circulation assistant at Hesburgh Library and am active in the Native American Student Association of Notre Dame. Study abroad has played a huge role during my time at Notre Dame (Brazil, Ireland, London, and India!) so I am MORE than happy to chat about international opportunities with anyone even slightly interested! I also enjoy running around the lakes on campus and listening to the Smartless podcast. JFam is such a happy place and I cannot wait to share it with you all! Stop by, say hi, and RIDE VALKS!

Mya McClure, 2025

Mya McClure

Resident Assistant

Hey wonderful Valkyries my name is Mya, and I am SO excited to be an RA in JFam! I am a junior majoring in Management Consulting and Sociology originally from Monroe, IN. A few of my favorite things around campus are Iron Sharpens Iron, broomball, and serving with fellow ND students. I have met the most incredible people in Johnson, and I love the random chats with fellow valkyries in the halls literally 24/7. This dorm has become a family to me, I loved my time as President and I want to help continue to make it a place where every Valkyrie feels loved, supported, encouraged, and at home. I am SO passionate about our beautiful dorm and am pumped for the incredible year ahead. My door is always open to you! BVL (big valk love)! :)

Audrey Christiansen, 2025

Audrey Christiansen

Senior Fellow

Hello! My name is Audrey Christiansen and I’m from Parker, Colorado. I am studying Classics with a concentration in Latin and Arts & Letters Pre-Health with a minor in Theology. On campus, I am part of the Classics Club and Magnificat Choir. In JFam, I have served as the Liturgical Commissioner and the Study Abroad Commissioner. I have loved being part of the JFam community and doing our many traditions such as the Ride of the Valks on the first home football game. I can’t wait to serve JFam as the Senior Fellow!